Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Bill Gate cont

Bill Gates

When one thinks of computer software, one must think of Microsoft. In
fact if you use a computer, chances are that you will have some type of program
on there that is developed by Microsoft. The CEO, chairman, cofounder, and
owner of 147 billion shares of Microsoft is Bill Gates.
William Henry Gates III was born in the midst of a scenic Seattle on
Thursday, October 28, 1995 to his parents Mary and William Henry Gates Jr. His
childhood was uneventful and was well raised. He went to Sunday school at the
Congregational church and sang in the choir. He was a Boy Scout but never
showed interest for either of these activities. Gates was an unusual child who
spent long periods in his room in deep thought. He loved science and showed
great skill in the area of math. In fact he scored a perfect on the math
section of the SAT. His high school English teacher Anne Stephens was amazed at
Gates' memory. She commented on how Gates had remembered a 3-page soliloquy for
a school play in one reading. He read often, tried to take up the trombone, had
no interest in philosophy but rather thought of himself as a "scientist." His
science teacher, William Dougall, remembers if the teacher wasn't going fast
enough, "Bill always seemed on the verge of saying, 'But that's obvious.'" Gates
once said to a teacher that some day he would be a millionaire. A grossly
underestimated statement. Today Gates is one of the richest men in the world.
In the fall of 1968, Bill Gates was entering the 8th grade at lakeside School,
and his best friend Paul Allen, entered the 10th grade. Lakeside invested $3,000
into a Teletype machine which could connect to the business computer via a phone
line. When the computer courses began in January 1969, both Gates and Allen
discovered their passion for programming. Since very few teachers knew anything
about computers, the boys taught themselves with every manual they could get
their hands on. Some days both would cut gym to gain extra time on the terminal.
Gates first program was a ticktacktoe game. Gates and Allen would soon be
restricted to time on the terminal because the school's electric bill was ever
increasing. In a long series of mishaps Gates and Allen would soon be
programming away at Lakeside. The math teacher that had been assigned to do
class scheduling, manually, died in an airplane accident. Gates and Allen were
offered $2,400 worth of computer time in exchange for a class scheduling program.
The boys (Gates now 16 and Allen already graduating high school) worked day and
night. Gates soon found out that he could put himself in an all girls classes
in every period. Soon Gates and Allen would found a company called Traf-O-Data.
The two made a program that would regulate traffic data generated by the gray
boxes on Seattle streets. After entering Harvard with a major in law, Gates and
Allen contemplated the idea of starting a company. Their vision soon expanded
into the multi-billion dollar empire. "Gates is to the software what Edison was
to the light bulb- part innovator, part entrepreneur, part salesman and full-
time genius." Gates is the "Edison" of software. If it wasn't for him we
wouldn't have Windows 95, Winword, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or countless
others. In August, 24, 1995, Microsoft announces the availability of Microsoft
Windows 95, worldwide. This new operating system would change the world's view
of computers drastically. The computer would become a toy and using it would be
much easier than before. Four days after the release, Microsoft announces that
it estimates that more than 1 million copies of Microsoft Windows 95 were
obtained by customers at retail stores in North America. By October, 17, 1995,
7 million copies were purchased. That means at least 7 million people were
becoming more computer literate. Although the practices of Microsoft have been
investigated by the Justice Department for monopolistic practices, it has been
the leading company for new ventures. On November 20, 1995, Microsoft announced
that MSN: The Microsoft Network, has enrolled more than 525,000 members in its
first three months of service. With the majority of members using MSN's full
Internet access, this makes it one of the largest Internet service providers.
With this development, half a million people were connect on-line and into the
new era of computers. Recently Microsoft as tried to eliminate Netscape, the
leading developer of Internet exploration tools. I do not believe in this move
that Microsoft is trying to implement because smaller companies might have a
fresh outlook on the world than the weathered Microsoft.
I consider Bill Gates a genius. I don't believe in his companies
practices like eating small software companies for lunch, but I do believe that
it has effected society as a whole. Gates' vision of "A personal computer on
every desk, in every home" was the foundation of Microsoft and I believe should
be the foundation of the future. I predict that Microsoft will be the leading
software developer going into the 21st century. I believe by the year 2005,
that there will be a computer in every house and that Microsoft software will be
running on that computer. With Gates' leadership, Microsoft is on a mission is
to continually advance and improve software technology and they make it easier
and more enjoyable for people to use software. That is The Gates Bill.


1. Microsoft History, Microsoft, http://library.microsoft.com/msinfo/mshist/

2. William H. Gates: Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft

3. Ichbiah, Daniel and Knepper, Susan L.. The making of Microsoft: How
Bill Gates and His Team Created the World's Most Successful Software
Company. Rockline, CA: Prima Publishing.

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